WisDOT I-94 Public Hearing

Wisconsin State Fair Park, Tommy Thompson Youth Center, Gate #5 640 S 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI

WisDOT is planning two public hearings for the review and comment on the I-94 East-West preferred alternative. More information on the I-94 East-West corridor project can be found at www.wisconsindot.gov/94eastwest.

WisDOT I-94 Public Hearing

Marquette University High School 3401 W Wisconsin Av., Milwaukee

WisDOT is planning two public hearings for the review and comment on the I-94 East-West preferred alternative. More information on the I-94 East-West corridor project can be found at www.wisconsindot.gov/94eastwest.

City on a Hill Health Outreach

City on a Hill Health Outreach January 14 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Offered this month: Community Health Outreach COVID-19 Vaccine – 1st, 2nd doses + booster vaccines available -appointment preferred Free bag of groceries & Hygiene items To-Go [...]


Restore Your Body and Mind Yoga

PEAK Initative 2480 W. Cherry Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Join us for indoor yoga classes at the PEAK Initiative building located at Tiefenthaler Park . Exercise mats are provided. 2480 W. Cherry St.

Tomas Saraceno: Entangled Air

Haggerty Museum of Art 1234 W Tory Hill St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

For more than two decades Argentina-born, Berlin-based artist Tomás Saraceno has activated projects aimed towards rethinking the co-creation of the atmosphere with the goal of eliminating carbon emissions. The works in this exhibition speak to Saraceno’s ongoing desire to communicate [...]


Ribbon cutting to re-open Fire Station 28

MFD Fire Station 28 (424 N. 30th Street) 424 N. 30th Street, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Please join us for the ribbon-cutting on the morning of Monday, January 23rd, 2023, at 11:00am.

27th Street Community Collaborative

Milwaukee Public Libary - Washington Park 2121 N. Sherman Blve, Milwaukee, United States

Near West Side residents interested in continued progress of a thriving, clean, safe and creating a more inclusive neighborhoods surrounding 27th St.


Restore Your Body and Mind Yoga

PEAK Initative 2480 W. Cherry Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Join us for indoor yoga classes at the PEAK Initiative building located at Tiefenthaler Park . Exercise mats are provided. 2480 W. Cherry St.

Merrill Park Neighbor meeting

Monthly meeting for Merrill Park neighbors interested in continuing to have a neighborhood that is a great place to live, work and play. Merrill Park Housing 222 N 33rd St, Milwaukee, WI 53208

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