WisDOT I-94 Public Hearing

Wisconsin State Fair Park, Tommy Thompson Youth Center, Gate #5 640 S 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI

WisDOT is planning two public hearings for the review and comment on the I-94 East-West preferred alternative. More information on the I-94 East-West corridor project can be found at www.wisconsindot.gov/94eastwest.

WisDOT I-94 Public Hearing

Marquette University High School 3401 W Wisconsin Av., Milwaukee

WisDOT is planning two public hearings for the review and comment on the I-94 East-West preferred alternative. More information on the I-94 East-West corridor project can be found at www.wisconsindot.gov/94eastwest.

City on a Hill Health Outreach

City on a Hill Health Outreach January 14 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Offered this month: Community Health Outreach COVID-19 Vaccine – 1st, 2nd doses + booster vaccines available -appointment preferred Free bag of groceries & Hygiene items To-Go [...]


Restore Your Body and Mind Yoga

PEAK Initative 2480 W. Cherry Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Join us for indoor yoga classes at the PEAK Initiative building located at Tiefenthaler Park . Exercise mats are provided. 2480 W. Cherry St.

Tomas Saraceno: Entangled Air

Haggerty Museum of Art 1234 W Tory Hill St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

For more than two decades Argentina-born, Berlin-based artist Tomás Saraceno has activated projects aimed towards rethinking the co-creation of the atmosphere with the goal of eliminating carbon emissions. The works in this exhibition speak to Saraceno’s ongoing desire to communicate [...]


Ribbon cutting to re-open Fire Station 28

MFD Fire Station 28 (424 N. 30th Street) 424 N. 30th Street, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Please join us for the ribbon-cutting on the morning of Monday, January 23rd, 2023, at 11:00am.

27th Street Community Collaborative

Milwaukee Public Libary - Washington Park 2121 N. Sherman Blve, Milwaukee, United States

Near West Side residents interested in continued progress of a thriving, clean, safe and creating a more inclusive neighborhoods surrounding 27th St.

Merrill Park Neighbor meeting

Monthly meeting for Merrill Park neighbors interested in continuing to have a neighborhood that is a great place to live, work and play. Merrill Park Housing 222 N 33rd St, Milwaukee, WI 53208


City on a Hill Health Outreach

City on a Hill Health Outreach @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Offered this month: Community Health Outreach COVID-19 Vaccine – 1st, 2nd doses + booster vaccines available -appointment preferred Free bag of groceries & Hygiene items To-Go Nutritious hot [...]

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